2020. gada 1. aprīlis

Divi metri trīs valodās.

Viens dzejolis. Divi metri. Trīs valodas. 

Tāds ir īsumā stāsts par mana 23. martā tapušā dzejoļa dzīvi. Tas ceļo vairāk un plašāk, nekā man pašai tagad ir iespēja/u. Dzejolis ir apmeties uz dzīvi trīs valodās. Sirsnīgs paldies Džeidam (Jayde Will) par anglisko versiju un Paolo Pantaleo – par tulkojumu itāliski, ko viņš publicējis arī savā lapā Baltica ŠEIT. Lūk, arī pats dzejolis:

Divi metri

Aizdomu pilni skatieni izplatās kā mēris.
Kā apjukums. Mācos sejai pieskarties tikai drošos apstākļos,
nevis nepieskarties
vispār. Ir svarīgi apzināties savu ķermeni.
Kamēr tas ir. Klausos skaņdarbu While We Are Here.
Neapnīk. Mazgājot logus, domāju par to, ka būtu bail
pazaudēt ožu. Mēģinu saprast,
kā jūtos.
Aizeju uz pastu izņemt paciņu, paciņā – dzeja. Atpakaļceļā
skatos uz ziedu tirdziņu, bet neko vairāk.
Kabatā atrodu kinoteātra biļeti. Mājās
skatos uz kalendāru un nesaprotu, kāpēc
nav pāršķirts nākamais mēnesis. Izrādās,
tas pats vēl nav beidzies.
Divi metri – tas ir maz vai daudz?
Laiks dezinficēt rokas, lai varu pieskarties pasaulei.
Laiks dezinficēt laiku, kurā dzīvojam.


Two meters (Translated by Jayde Will)

full of suspicion,
are spreading like the plague,
Like confusion. I am learning to touch my face only under safe conditions,
instead of not touching it
at all. It’s important to be aware of your body.
While it exists. I am listening to “While We Are Here” from Emil Brandqvist
and don’t get tired of it. While washing the windows, I think about my fear of
losing my sense of smell. I am trying to understand,
how I feel.
I go to the post office to get a package with poetry inside. On the way back
I look at the flower market, but nothing more.
In my pocket I find a theatre ticket. At home
I look at the calendar and don’t understand, why
it hasn’t been turned to the next month. Turns out,
it is far from over.
Two meters – is it little or a lot?
It’s time to disinfect my hands, so I can touch the world.
It’s time to disinfect the time, in which we live.

Due metri (Italian translation by Paolo Pantaleo)

Sguardi pieni di sospetto si diffondono come una peste
Come lo sconcerto. Imparo a toccarmi il viso solo in condizioni di sicurezza,
anziché non toccarlo
affatto. È importante conoscere il proprio corpo.
Finché c’è. Ascolto il brano While We Are Here.
Senza stancarmi. Pulisco le finestre, penso al fatto che mi farebbe paura
perdere l’olfatto. Cerco di capire,
come mi sento.
Vado alla posta a prendere un pacco, nel pacco – poesia. Al ritorno
guardo il mercatino dei fiori, nient’altro.
Mi ritrovo in tasca un biglietto del cinema. A casa
guardo il calendario e non capisco, perché non sia cambiata
la pagina del mese. Pare
che questo non sia ancora finito.
Due metri – è poco o tanto?
Tempo di disinfettare le mani, per poter toccare il mondo.
Tempo di disinfettare il tempo in cui viviamo.

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